Improve your jiu jitsu & increase longevity by applying mobility exercises specific to BJJ practitioners



What You'll Get 


Both programs were designed to help practitioners progress faster in Jiu Jitsu by complementing live training and allowing them to continue practicing at home and without a partner — all while improving mobility, strength, body coordination and technique.


It doesn't whether you're a white belt or black belt. Everyone can benefit from mobility training 



1. JJFLO Follow Along Instructional

2. Go With The FLO Instructional 


1. JJFLO Follow Along Instructional:

If you’re the type of person who likes follow along workouts, my JJFLO Follow Along Program is for you.  There are 12 Follow Along Workouts, ranging from 20-30 minutes that require no partner or equipment, and consist of movements based on Jiu Jitsu techniques.  In addition, there are separate modules for each workout that show the partner drills to help visualize how the solo drills apply to Jiu Jitsu training.  Finally, there is a breath work module that goes through breathing exercises to help manage energy efficiency and emotions on and off the mats. 

Follow-Along Workouts (12 Lessons) 

Each workout is 20-30 minutes, consisting of a warm up/breath work, standing movements, ground movements and ending with a cool down/breath work.  Each movement is done for 1 minute with a 10 second rest period.

Solo Drills (100+)

A combination of standing and ground movements based on specific Jiu Jitsu techniques as well as more generalized movements to aid in overall efficiency. 

Partnered Techniques (100+ Lessons)

For each Follow Along Workout, I provide videos with verbal cues of the partnered version in a separate lesson to display how the solo drills translate to live training.

Breath Work (10 Lessons)

In addition to the breath work before and after each Follow Along Workout, I included a bonus tutorial diving into specific breathing exercises to help strengthen your diaphragm & start using your breath as a powerful tool to manage emotions and fatigue.


2. Go With The FLO Instructional: 

If you like creating your own workouts or want to practice solo drills categorized by positions, my Go With The FLO program is the best option for you.   This is a more advanced program focusing solo drills from all major positions in Jiu Jitsu.  If there is a day you want to focus on seated guard movements, this provides that option.  In addition, there are more advanced flows that combine individual solo drills to really test your solo movement ability.  Also, if you’re in need of better warm up and cool down exercises,  this instructional provides a customized warm up section that goes through exercises to help prep the body for Jiu Jitsu training as well as a cool down section showing stretches to aide the body in recovery.  Finally, there’s an updated breath work section that goes through breathing exercises from different positions to help manage energy efficiency and emotions on and off the mats. 

Breathing Tutorial

I will go through multiple breathing exercises to help you strengthen your diaphragm and breathe more efficiently on and off the mats.

Warm Up Exercises

Follow Along warm up exercises to help prevent injuries. These are active stretches and work well before training.

Cool Down Exercises

Follow Along cool down exercises to help prevent injuries. These are static stretches and work well after training.

100 + Solo Drills

Individual movements (with verbal cues) for the main positions used in Jiu Jitsu. Standing; Takedowns, Passing, Defense. Ground; Turtle, Top Closed Guard, Top Mount, Seated Guard, Open Guard, Closed Guard, Half Guard, Bottom Mount.

Standing FLO’s

Combined solo movements from the 3 main standing categories used in Jiu Jitsu - Takedown Movements, Passing Movements, Defensive Movements.

Ground FLO’s

Combined solo movements from the 8 main ground categories used in Jiu Jitsu - Turtle, Top Closed Guard, Top Mount, Seated Guard, Open Guard, Closed Guard Half Guard, Bottom Mount.

Combo FLO’s

Combined solo movements from all positions used in Jiu Jitsu; Standing and Ground movements.



Improve your Jiu Jitsu, here is what some of our members have to say about us.



This course is for you if....


✅ You feel like you aren’t progressing in Jiu Jitsu. You want to expand and refine your game by developing a more comprehensive understanding of the foundations of technique — efficient movement. Beginner or black belt, this course will teach you to fully integrate quality movements into your personal game.


âś… You want a better way to warm up and cool down. Tired of jumping jacks and jogging? There are hundreds of skill-specific, full-body movements to get the blood flowing within this course to best prep your body for the demands of live training.


✅ You can’t make it to the gym. Whether you’re traveling, live remotely, aren’t feeling well, or life simply gets in the way, the beautiful thing about Solo Drills is they are just that: Solo. You don’t need a partner or a bunch of mats — just a little bit of space and a desire to learn.


✅ You struggle to remember techniques in class. You will be amazed at the muscle memory that can be built through solo reps. You will start to see every technique you learn as a fluid combination of different movements. You’ll utilize visualization to envision yourself carrying out a technique perfectly before you ever try it with a partner. For the same reason, boxers shadow box or karate practitioners do kata, skilled grapplers build muscle memory through solo drills.


âś… You're sick of getting injured. Most injuries in Jiu Jitsu are the result of our own improper body mechanics. Jiu Jitsu FLO will not only improve mobility and range of motion, but will also teach you to move with intention and efficiency, resulting in less fatigue on the mats and less pain overall.

Refund Policy

If you purchase any of our product and you don’t like the content or not satisfied with our training you can send an e-mail to us at ( [email protected]) within 7 days of purchase and we will refund you the full amount you paid.